Opening and closing procedures

To improve safety when opening and closing a person conducting a business or undertaking could avoid having young and new workers rostered on, ensure the work is not done by a single worker and install video surveillance. The person conducting a business or undertaking could also take action to improve the workers' ability to see potential hazards such as by installing security lighting. A person conducting a business or undertaking should also develop and train workers in written procedures for opening and closing. This is especially important when the workplace is isolated.

Opening and closing procedures should cover the following points:

  • ensuring there are no suspicious people or vehicles around before entering or leaving the workplace
  • checking that no one has broken in. If there are signs of break in workers should be aware what action to take
  • before leaving, checking that the safe (if there is one) and all entries, exits and windows are securely locked
  • checking to make sure no unauthorised persons remain.

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