White cards (Construction induction)

Construction workers in the ACT require a General Construction Induction Card (White Card) when working on a construction site.

The Work Health and Safety Act 2011 requires that a person conducting a business or undertaking must ensure workers have successfully completed general construction induction training before starting construction work. Each construction worker must hold:

  • a general construction induction training card
  • a general construction induction training certification that has been issued within the preceding 60 days if the worker has applied for but not yet been issued with a general construction induction training card.

WorkSafe ACT considers it best practice for owner builders to have a construction induction card, as one way of demonstrating that they have received adequate training in complying with their primary duty of care under the Act.

Access Canberra administers the provision of General Construction Induction Cards (White Cards). For more information about White Cards see the General Construction Induction Card (White Card) page on the Access Canberra website.

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