Re.cycle Operations EU

On 11 January 2019, WorkSafe ACT issued a non-disturbance notice on the Material Recovery Facility (MRF) in Hume operated by Re.Cycle Operations (Canberra) Pty Ltd following inspections conducted on 10 and 11 January 2019.

It is alleged by WorkSafe ACT that Re.Cycle Operations (Canberra) Pty Ltd held a health and safety duty under the Work Health and Safety Act 2011 (the Act) to ensure, so far as reasonably practicable, the health and safety of workers and other persons due to the provision and maintenance of a work environment without risks to health and safety. There were no injuries or notifiable incidents that led to the alleged contravention.

The regulator considered a proposal for a work health and safety enforceable undertaking from Re.Cycle Operations (Canberra) Pty Ltd. The proposal met the regulator’s general guidelines for the acceptance of WHS undertakings under the Act, and was consistent with WorkSafe ACT’s published guidance material for enforceable undertakings.

The proposal was accepted and became an enforceable undertaking in July 2019. The undertaking will deliver safety benefits to workers, industry and the community. The undertaking included a statement of regret from Re.Cycle Operations (Canberra) Pty Ltd including its directors, officers and managers in relation to the circumstances that led to the non-disturbance notice and is committed to ensuring as far as reasonably practicable the ongoing health and safety of its workers, guests and visitors.

The total financial commitment of the undertaking is $495,000.

The undertaking requires Re.Cycle Operations (Canberra) Pty Ltd to:

  • identify and implement WHS training programs for all staff and engage a dedicated safety professional to report directly to the Chief Operating Officer and the company directors on all aspects of work health and safety compliance including due diligence.
  • upgrade a range of physical plant to reduce or eliminate potential hazards associated with the site.
  • engage a consulting industrial health care provider to supply health services to full time workers in the form of pre-employment health checks and ongoing health surveillance services.
  • develop a waste industry process plant (MRF) safety module to highlight the hazards associated with working in a recycling facility and demonstrate mitigation measures to reduce these hazards.
  • facilitate one industry safety meeting, site visit and peer review per annum to share safe work challenges and collaborate to mitigate risk. Share experiences and safety learnings across the recycling industry.
  • improve measures to manage contractor’s trucks during loading and unloading activities, in line with NHVR guidelines and the safe operation of mobile plant around pedestrians, workers and site visitors. The improved measures would be supported by appropriate training onsite and a safety training module which would be provided free of charge for industry and interested parties, shared with waste industry partners and added to site inductions.
  • a donation support package comprised of a cash donation and purchase of essential equipment for the support of the Salvation Army, St Vincent de Paul and Lead in the ACT.
  • advertising campaign to increase consumer education as to the items that can and cannot be placed into recycling bins with a focus on safety aspects for the community, industry and workers.

Enforceable Undertaking - Re.cycle Operations (PDF 1MB)

This enforceable undertaking was discharged on 8 July 2021.

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