Supporting culturally and linguistically diverse (CALD) workers

Every worker has a right to a safe and healthy work environment. Persons conducting a business or undertakings (PCBUs) have an obligation under the Work Health and Safety Act 2011 to ensure the health and safety of workers (section 19).

A culturally and linguistically diverse group, or CALD, is a community (or communities) with diverse ethnic backgrounds, language, traditions, religions, nationalities, and societal structures. CALD workers may need extra support in the workplace with communication, training, and supervision.

Over 45% of young people aged 12-24 are first, or second-generation migrants (ABS, 2016). Therefore, it’s important for PCBUs to recognise the needs of CALD workers and implement suitable communication channels with them to meet their work health and safety (WHS) obligations.

Communicating WHS information in an easily accessible format is key to preventing and reducing workplace breaches, incidents, illnesses, and injuries. It’s important that PCBUs identify all language or cultural barriers that may prevent a worker from carrying out their work safely and provide appropriate support and solutions to keep them healthy and safe.

Providing information

CALD workers may require additional support to understand information or instructions. A PCBU should offer accessible language support through:

  • providing translated materials in the workers preferred language
  • providing assistance and support through another staff member of the same language group (if they agree and have been given appropriate training)
  • offering access and support to attend English language classes, and
  • using a translating and interpreting service.

A free translating and interpreting service can be found online at TIS National. The service is available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, with more than 100 languages available.

  • for PCBUs - contact TIS National directly to organise an interpreter
  • for non-English speaking workers - contact TIS National directly on 131 450.


As outlined in the Work Health and Safety Act 2011 (section 47), a PCBU must, so far as is reasonably practicable, consult with their workers about matters relating to work health and safety.

Consultation can happen through practical demonstrations, one-on-one coaching, or group sessions with time for questions. The method the PCBU chooses should meet the needs and abilities of their workers. For CALD workers, PCBUs should consider:

  • providing written translations in the worker’s primary language
  • translating images, signs and symbols, and
  • organising additional meetings in the worker’s primary language, using an interpreter.


PCBUs must tailor the way they communicate with CALD workers. As written information can often be complex, consider pairing it with one of the above methods, or providing translated materials. Some different approaches that may be useful, noting that a combination of approaches is best:

  • face-to-face communication can be a good way to check for understanding as it allows for immediate identification and correction of confusion. Remember to use language that is common, clear and to the point. Do not speak louder or use jargon and slang
  • practical demonstrations show a worker how to do something. To check for understanding, you could ask the worker to demonstrate the task to make sure they have understood your instructions, and
  • visual aids such as safety signs that use pictograms are a good way to connect across a language barrier. You can check for understanding by asking the worker questions, for example ‘where is the exit?’ or by asking them to explain a topic or task in their own words.

Further resources

WorkSafe ACT - Induction

WorkSafe ACT - Guidance Note - Supervision of Apprentices

Open Minds – People with Diverse Backgrounds Support | Open Minds (Information)

ACT Government – Department of Health Support for culturally and linguistically diverse people | Head to Health (COVID-19, mental health support and resources)

Australian Government –  Translating and Interpreting Service (TIS National)

Australian Government -  Support for older culturally and linguistically diverse people | My Aged Care

1800 RESPECT - Supporting people from CALD, migrant and refugee experiences of violence | 1800RESPECT

Canberra Multicultural Community Forum Inc -

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