Moulds and indoor air-contaminants

WorkSafe ACT has recently observed significant black mould contamination at a Canberra workplace.

Mould generally grows in warm or moist conditions, including where there is water leakage. It can become airborne and pose a risk to workers and others at the workplace.

Exposure to mould and other similar indoor air-contaminants may cause or exacerbate health issues in the workplace. Depending on type of exposure, some people may experience health impacts, such as allergies, headaches, itching, skin rashes, sore throat and a runny nose. However, it can also cause stronger reactions in people with asthma, mould allergies or weakened immune systems. Importantly, some moulds or indoor air-contaminations can trigger asthma attacks in adults and children with asthma.

Working safely

WorkSafe ACT reminds all persons conducting a business or undertaking (PCBUs) to identify and manage all risks to health and safety in the work environment, including exposure to mould and indoor-air contaminants.

As the PCBU, you may need to hire a person who specialises in identifying and remediating mould to assist you to manage the risks. If mould or indoor air-contaminates are found, they should be removed immediately. The air quality may be affected by the presence of contaminants or mould - a specialist cleaning service or mould removalist should be considered to ensure the source of the exposure is fully removed. Existing control measures should also be reviewed to prevent further exposure to mould or air-contaminants.

Where you have identified mould at your workplace you should:

  • regularly clean your workplace, particularly in places that are prone to mould
  • fix water leaks and keep rain gutters clean and clear so they do not get blocked
  • ensure the workplace buildings and roof are well maintained to avoid animals, such as possums, entering the building or roof spaces
  • ensure there is adequate ventilation throughout the workplace, including in cupboards and areas that may not be regularly entered, and
  • consider installing a de-humidifier in areas with high humidity to reduce mould growth.

For more information on maintaining a safe work environment and facilities, see the Code of Practice: Managing the Work Environment and Facilities.

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